Using the inbox and archive

Learn the basics of using the Apostle mobile application.
Written by Stefan Kapteijns
Updated 2 years ago

The inbox and archive are part of your main navigation of the mobile app. Here you’ll find anything related to the posts that were scheduled or have been scheduled for you in the past. 


Every new post that is scheduled for you will appear in the inbox, similar to how it works in your email. After receiving a notification, simply open the mobile app and your post will appear in the inbox. Here, you can decide to either share, edit, or delete the post to your personal or company page. 


  • Notifications for scheduled personal page posts will prompt at the exact moment of sharing.
  • Notifications for scheduled company page posts will prompt right away when scheduled by the Social Master. Users can accept these posts directly and they will be posted at the scheduled time. 
Please note that deleting posts cannot be undone. Contact your Social Master if you accidentally deleted a post.  


The archive contains all posts that you have sent from the inbox to your own personal or company page. After sharing a post from the inbox, the post will move directly to the archive (if you decide not to share on any other platform first). Additionally, the archive contains all of your uploaded posts to your Social Master. 

Re-sharing a post from the archive

You can use the archive to re-share older posts, or to share a post to another social media platform if you haven’t done so before. 

  • Open the Apostle app and select Archive.
  • Search for your post and select Share.
  • You can now re-share or share the post to the platform of your choice. Select the right platform icon here and follow the instructions.
  • Your post is now shared. 
Please note: You will not find a Share button for your own Inputs in the archive. Uploads are first checked by the Social Master and scheduled for you later. Please contact your Social Master if you haven’t received a notification for your upload yet. 
Important: Scheduled posts only have limited availability and will be automatically archived after a given time period (+- 3 days). This prevents you and your colleagues from sharing posts that are no longer current. If you can’t find a post in your inbox anymore, always consult your archive first.
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